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Digital Change

Digital Change: How To Optimize The Design Phase

Digital change is becoming a widely adopted organizational phenomenon. As the speed of disruption continues to accelerate, the efforts to “keep up” have increased. Being a truly agile organization is essential to staying relevant. Organizations’ ability to effectively adopt new business models, implement the latest technologies, and enforce data-driven decision-making is, at this point, foundational rather than discerning.

In response to these pressures, the typical reaction we, as change practitioners, see is that organizations assemble large teams, with large budgets, to undertake multi-year (sometimes even decade-long?) efforts to strategically adapt and modernize their businesses. This is called a “digital transformation”.

As the name Transformation implies, these programs are incredibly complex puzzles that must be analyzed from many different angles to ensure that what is implemented doesn’t break what exists while hopefully achieving its intended outcomes. Anyone who has been part of a “Transformation” can attest to how complexities and challenges. 

(read as: “transformation”= a corporate version of cruel and unusual punishment)

So, what is to be done? Let’s focus on the common, universal challenges within the design phase of any transformation, and how TechTorch alleviates the challenges with simple, value-driven solutions. 

Pain Point #1: Project size & complexity

often these “transformations” rely on implementation and adoption of new strategies, processes, and tools that span multiple departments, leading to scope of what is changing to be gargantuan.

The TechTorch Way: Focused "blueprints”

We believe organizations can focus their efforts upfront to align critical “architectural” conversations. Following, detailed design should be focused on specific organizational capabilities and business outcomes.

Check-out our article on Modular Digital Change to read more.

Pain Point #2: Disconnected design tools

There are many lenses through which an organization needs to look for a complete and comprehensive design.

This includes looking at changes through process, systems, data, reporting, people, accounting, and more lenses to get that comprehensive perspective. These perspectives of design are completed in silos and housed in separate, unintegrated tools, namely PowerPoint, Excel, and Visio.

The TechTorch Way: One platform, and one integrated tool

In our TechTorch platform, we’ve pulled together these disparate design activities into a centralized collaboration space: teams can easily align, review, document current states, and define the future. Minimizing fragmentation, brings that comprehensive design together clearly and removes much of the manual tedium involved to coordinate and complete design.

Pain Point#3: Outsource, outdated versions

As the design phase progresses, and decisions are made, a vicious cycle ensues. Maintaining the integrity of previously aligned design documentation becomes a full-time job itself. As each isolated change (e.g., a process or reporting change) invariably impacts other areas of the design(i.e., an individual’s future role).

In larger organizations, an additional layer of governance and coordination is often implemented to ensure ongoing scope and budget alignment.These roles become gatekeepers to ensure change requests are submitted, cataloged, and coordinated. A file management system is implemented (e.g., Box or SharePoint) with even more processes to gain approvals.   

You can start see how this process becomes immensely people intensive. Insert: the allure to outsource this work to Consulting or ITServices firms who bring their own methodology and tools.

The TechTorch Way: Own it

TechTorch makes the scope of change, the tools of change, and the roles for change simple enough for you to lead yourself through important growth. If you own the change, the impacts and benefits of this work endures. Future change becomes increasingly smaller, and easier to the point of this forward-thinking mindset is embedded into your culture, people, ways of working, and technology.

Start modernizing today. Sign-up and learn more about TechTorch with our free app at, app.techtorch.io/ and request a demo!

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